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Mission and Values

Company Mission Statement


                      To our retail partners, our mission is to continue to provide a product where the retailer can realize both profit and satisfied customers.


                       To the consumer, our mission is to continue to provide quality cleaning tools, which quality has not been compromised, to achieve their satisfaction.


                        The commitment of the company is to maintain the mechanical and technical parameters of products in face of increasingly strident demands of retailers for less expensive products to maintain yesterday’s retail prices. The challenge of this commitment is to balance the increasing cost of quality versus the demands for lower prices.












Company Statement of Values


                     As a family owned and family focused business, the Company has believed that competitive private enterprise has a social component.


                     Until the mid 1990s, the Company had sponsored a sheltered workshop for the physically and mentally challenged. Further, the Company had a policy of hiring the injured and the disabled.


                      With the everchanging array of government regulations and policies, the Company changed its focus. Since 2000, the Company has made its donations and sponsorships to animal welfare organizations. 


Pictured above is the professional grade of tile and grout sponges made by 

Canada Sponge from the premium quality material of reticulated polyester.

Pictured above are two rescued dogs, Aspen and Joey.

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